Todays manufacturing industry is far removed from yesteryear, where innovation and development concentrated largely on the manufacturing process itself. In the 21st century the balance has shifted to a technology driven development process where modern software provides agility and efficiencies in creating the products we see around us today. Keeping pace with changes in technology and becoming a data driven business is now the #1 challenge for large manufacturing organisations.

As with many industries today, whether traditional or modern, digital transformation is a core strategic driver in creating a lean, efficient and innovative manufacturing business for the future. Creating new leading edge applications, rapidly releasing updates to existing applications and generally innovating at speed is key to staying ahead of the competition. However, accessing the data needed to accomplish this is a major bottleneck.

Kuzo Data and the Delphix Dynamic Data Platform helps the modern manufacturing shop solve this problem. By aligning data management to modern DevOps and cloud infrastructure tooling, organizations can meet key digital transformation objectives by:

  • +++ Increasing Speed: Boost developer productivity and accelerate time to market by 50%.
  • +++ Improving Quality: Reduce the number of defects in production by 80%.
  • +++ Reducing Risk: Easily mask application data to safeguard against breach and enable compliance.

The Delphix Dynamic Data Platform lets teams move and manipulate data at the pace demanded by modern development practices, while also meeting quality and security targets.

Check out the solution briefs and data sheets on the Delphix Partner Portal and see how Kuzo Data and Delphix can accelerate your applications.